Recovery Meditations ~ Changes ~ One Day At A Time ~ February 17, 2011

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They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

Andy Warhol

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Time changes things - but what things?

Can I wait for time to change those ways

of coping that don't serve me anymore?

Can I wait for time to make me


Yes, time will change things, but

chances are that these will be the

changes: my coping mechanisms will

become even more entrenched and my

eating even more destructive. I don't

really want to wait for that kind of

change. When I joined OA, I started a

new trend. I asked for the wisdom to

understand which things I can change and

then, armed with the tools of the

program, I set about following my new

trend of eating healthy and living a

life where I don't sit around waiting.

I will not wait idly for things to get

better. I will ask my Higher Power to

guide me to make necessary changes.


I will not wait idly for things to get better. I will ask my Higher Power to guide me to make necessary changes.