:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:
"You will be like a tree firmly planted
by streams of water, which yields its
fruit in its season, and its leaf does
not wither and whatever you do
..... Psalms 1:3
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For much of my life I have felt
rootless, insecure, lost, ineffectual,
and scattered by the
seemingly-unforgiving winds of chaos,
confusion, change, and pain in my
life. I certainly do not feel the sense
of strength, stability, and solidity
that I imagine I’d feel as a "firmly
planted tree." Many of my choices and
behaviors add to the storms and
fruitlessness of my life...yet I
consider again the Tree. The Tree bears
its fruit "in its season". The Tree
participates in the work of its Creator
by patiently standing strong through the
winds, snow, and barrenness of
winter...and the Tree knows that winter
is only for a Season. The Tree does not
rail against God, nor demand that it
produce fruit in its season of
barrenness; rather, the Tree patiently
rests and knows that Spring will return,
as it always does and always will.
Working our program calls us to trust
God - to believe that which we might not
yet see, feel, or experience. We can
choose to accept with Serenity the
seasons of our lives.
I will choose to believe that my Higher Power is at work in me through every season of my life. I will remember that He brings the Life of Spring after the "death" of winter. In trusting Him, I
will be stable and fruitful, even when I feel overwhelmed by the winds of life.