Recovery Meditations ~ The Present Moment ~ One Day at a Time ~ April 20, 2011


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How simple it is to see that we can only

be happy now, and there will never be a

time when it is not now.

Gerald Jampolsky

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During my many years of life as an

compulsive eater, I thought happiness

was something that was the privilege of

other people. I could not imagine that

happiness would be a part of my

life. All I really wanted was to lose


My issues with food and weight colored

everything else. I always thought the

biggest weight I carried was physical in

nature. When I accepted the fact that I

have a disease, and the weight I carried

was physical, emotional and spiritual,

my life began to change immeasurably. As

I took the Steps to recovery, I began to

experience healing on all three

levels. I began to see life differently,

and to live life in a whole new way.

Before recovery, I could not see the

precious moment of the present. My eyes

were focused on regret of the past, and

fear of the future. I totally missed the

complete joy of each present

moment. Recovery has helped me to clear

up weight I carried from my past, and to

eliminate my fear of the future;

replacing fear with faith. As I live in

recovery, I can choose to be present in

each moment, and enjoy the wonder and

delight that is the gift of life.


I choose to live in the present moment ... and to embrace the happiness found there.