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"Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Teresa
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How many times are we gifted with
newcomers to our meetings? They are so
easy to see as they huddle in the back
of the room -- usually as close to the
exit as possible. Their oversized coat
is a good giveaway, especially in
July. Their eyes show the fear and
anxiety that we all felt. Sure, we made
it, and so can they.
I remember the elder who first said
those magical words to me -- those two
simple words -- "Welcome Home." The
warmth and safety those words held were
immense. I felt that my body was huge,
and I was embarrassed in a room full of
people who looked very similar to
me…but my eyes could not see
that. They were filled with tears
because of those two words. Welcome
home. Whoever that person was, I have
two words for you, "Thank you."
What can you do to make a newcomer feel
welcome to your meeting? Let us not
forget that all-important first hug. I
remember mine; do you remember yours? It
felt good, I'll bet. So welcome the
newcomer and let them know they are
I will do my part to welcome the
newcomer into our fellowship.