Recovery Meditations ~ Step One ~ One Day at a Time ~ May 3, 2011


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"The cause is hidden, but the result is known."


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When I went to my first meeting and was

told about Step One, that I was to admit

my powerlessness, it was somewhat of a

mystery to me. I thought powerlessness

was weakness. It was obvious that the

result of my compulsive overeating could

be seen by everyone, but to me, I was

not sure that powerlessness was the

answer to the problem. As I kept going

to meetings and listening to people

share about powerlessness, read the

literature, and talked to my sponsor, I

learned that powerlessness was not

weakness. In fact, to admit my

powerlessness, was to connect me to a

power that was greater than I had ever

experienced before in my life.

The paradoxes of the program, such as we

"lose to win" "give to receive" are true

of admitting my powerlessness to find a

greater power. In The Twelve Steps and

Twelve Traditions of Overeaters

Anonymous on p. 5 it reads, "Later we

discovered that, far from being a

negative factor, the admission of our

powerlessness over food opened the door

to an amazing newfound power." What a

blessing it is to now know that I am

powerless, and have opened the door of a

newfound power through the steps, the

tools and my Higher Power.


I will freely admit my powerlessness and gladly open the door to the newfound power in my life.