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"The universe is transformation;
our lives are what our thoughts make it."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
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The power of our thoughts is astounding,
and my negative thoughts kept me in
chains for many years. I was constantly
thinking of what was not right, what I
didn't do right, what needs of mine went
unmet. My life was miserable by my own
making. My own thoughts kept me in a
prison of negativity. The only person
who had the key was me. For many years I
stayed locked in, not knowing the key
was in my possession..
When I came to the program I learned
that I had responsibility for my
"side of the street." I finally
came to understand that I was able to
change my thinking, one day at a
time. It was a slow process. It took a
life-time to learn negative thinking
patterns, and it took years to learn
positive thinking patterns. Using the
tools of the program was the key to
re-educating my mind. At meetings I
heard positive statements that others
made about themselves and me. Reading
program literature was always a positive
experience. As I chose nurturing, loving
sponsors, they affirmed me and my baby
steps toward wholeness and healing. All
of these, and other tools, worked slowly
to bring about an awareness that I held
the key to my own prison door and gave
me the courage to take the key and free
myself from negativity..
I will choose positive thoughts and
actions that bring me freedom.