Recovery Meditations ~ A New World ~ One Day at a Time ~ January 22, 2011


:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

A new world is not made simply by trying

to forget the old. A new world is made

with a new spirit, with new values.

Henry Miller

:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

When I was four or five years old, I was

falling off a cliff and I grabbed a

piece of rope called food. I held on to

it for the longest time; it didn't fray,

it was my strength, my comforter, and it

kept me from falling down into the abyss

below. My health was the price, but

without the rope I was dead.

In program, they ask us to let go of

that rope that we've been holding on to

for decades! They give us a few thin,

weak-looking ropes called the Steps,

Traditions, slogans and tools. Surely

they won't hold me! I'll fall into the


Others had taken the smaller ropes and

were doing fine. It didn't seem they

were having to hold on as hard as I did

to the food rope. I decided to

try. Keeping a toehold on the food rope,

I tested the strength of the other

ropes... first the slogans rope, then

the tools rope, eventually the Steps

rope and Traditions rope. I saw the

food rope nearby, and I have reached out

to it from time to time, but I let it go

again. These other ropes are supporting

me just fine without burning my hand or

cutting my fingers or killing me

slowly. The program ropes are more


I can swing from the program ropes,

climb them, have fun, laugh. I can weave

them together into a nice hammock where

I can rest and relax. I can look up and

focus on the new day instead of having

to constantly worry about the abyss



I will remember to turn to the program to help maintain my peace and serenity, especially through the bad times.