Recovery Meditations ~ Courage ~ One Day at a Time ~ April 6, 2011

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It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.

Erma Bombeck
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I remember first starting my Twelve Step

program. I had lots of expectations and

dreams, but I couldn't talk to anyone

about them. I thought my dreams were

stupid and that nobody there really

cared about who I was or what I wanted

to achieve.

This is a big problem with all of us

compulsive overeaters. We all have hopes

and dreams of losing our impulse to eat

all the time, and of losing our excess

weight. Thinking we're not worth

anyone's time keeps us strong in our


As we work through the Steps and learn

to trust our new family of choice, we

get the courage to begin to open up and

share our dreams and hopes. We all find

our hidden courage by praying and

trusting our Higher Power. We find the

courage to tell people about ourselves

and trust that nobody will put us down

for our past or for the future we dream

of achieving. Our dreams have no time

limit; they don't have to happen

immediately. They may happen

immediately, or it may take a long time

of struggling, but as long as we have

hope and courage, they will become a

reality in Higher Power's time.


I remember that we learn that, together, things become much easier. As we share our experience, strength and dreams with others, they will help us learn how we can work with a special program and plan. With Higher Power and our recovery friends, our courage grows stronger, and we find we can and will succeed.