Recovery Meditations ~ Family ~ One Day at a Time ~ April 12, 2011

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Call it a clan, call it a network, call

it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever

you call it, whoever you are, you need


Jane Howard (from the book "The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude" by Sarah Ban Breathnach)

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As an only child of parents who

immigrated and left their own families

behind, I have always felt that I was

missing out on the great wealth of

sharing and caring that I saw other

people have in their families. That was

before recovery.

Today, I have an extended family -- not

only by marriage -- but by the simple

fact that my Higher Power led me to the

great wealth of caring and sharing that

I have found in perhaps the strangest

place of all -- cyberspace -- in the

form of online recovery loops.

Being prone to isolation, my disease

first led me to seek out others who have

struggled with compulsive overeating,

and that, in turn, led me to my new

'family.' As someone so wonderfully

expressed it to me recently, it's a

"family of choice." What a concept! My

family of choice not only has sisters

and brothers, it also is filled with

mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles --

more than I could ever have dreamed of

before, and each brings into my life

more experience, strength and hope than

I could ever have imagined.


I thank God that I have found this huge, loving family that constantly offers me hope, inspiration, understanding ... and most of all love.