:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:
As we felt new power flow in, as we
enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered
we could face life successfully, as we
became conscious of His presence, we
began to lose our fear of today,
tomorrow or the hereafter.
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
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I refuse to be frightened to the point
of missing the opportunities my Higher
Power has provided for me. I won't hurt
myself by avoiding being hurt. That's
what I do when I avoid risks because I'm
afraid the outcome will be painful.
When I'm engulfed in fear, I am not
trusting my Higher Power. When I look
back, hasn't He done for me what I
couldn't do for myself? Can I name
those times? Possibly a doomed
relationship I couldn't end and God
ended for me by having the other person
walk away? Maybe a financial crisis
that was suddenly alleviated from an
unexpected source? How about the ability
to detach from a loved one's issues
without feeling responsible for "fixing"
everything or taking their struggles
Today I will be grateful for even the
painful times because, sometimes, they
are the lesser of two hurts--the easiest
being when God steps in to protect me
and the hardest being when my will
prevents me from letting go of something
that isn't good for me.
I will trust my Higher Power and know
that where I am today is right where I
need to be. I don't have to have all
the answers.