Recovery Meditations ~ Courage ~ One Day at a Time ~ May 11, 2011


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"The courage of life is often less a

dramatic spectacle than the courage of

the final moment; but it is no less than

a magnificent mixture of triumph and


John F. Kennedy

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As a little girl, I often daydreamed of

a knight in shining armor who would ride

bravely into my life and rescue me from

my fears and insecurities. This knight

would be fearless; un-phased by

fire-breathing dragons, deep dark caves,

or howling winds. He would have courage

where I had only fear.

The knight never came. I began to look

for other rescuers in my friends,

rolemodels, teachers, and church. Still

I could not find what I sought. My fears

continued to scream in my soul ... and I

felt so weak. I turned to food in an

attempt to silence the monsters in my


Sometimes my fear and hopelessness were

so desperate that I almost ended my life

- yet something inside of myself stopped

me from doing so. Something inside of me

clung to life and eventually brought me

to The Recovery Group.

In this group of amazing people

I immediately noticed the courage they

exhibited in confronting the challenges

in their lives and in choosing to learn

and grow from every failure and every

success. I marvel at the courage with

which they keep moving towards more and

more healing, in spite of their fears.

They have courage in spite of their fears.

The open, honest sharing of dear friends

in recovery has taught me that even I

had courage all along. Courage is not

the absence of fear; if there were no

fear, there’d be no need for courage.

Courage means making the choice to move

forward in spite of our fears.


I will honor the courage I have. I will

thank God for giving me the strength to

move forward in spite of fear. I will

celebrate the courage I see in my

friends and I will encourage them on

their journey.