Recovery Meditations ~ Good Days Bad Days ~ One Day at a Time ~ May 10, 2011


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Most of the shadows of this life are

caused by standing in one's own


Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Thank You, God, for always loving and

accepting me right where I am, and

working with me, even when I am not

willing to give You much to work

with. It is so comforting to know that

wherever I am, whether I am willing and

open, or have once again shut myself off

from the Light of Your Spirit, You will

meet me there and provide whatever is

necessary for me to keep on.

Thank You for forgiving me those times

when I am not willing enough to put

forth any effort--some days I just want

to skate, God--some days I just want to

wallow in it. Why else would I resist

changing into what You would have me be?

Some days I am lazy and comfortable just

where I am.


God, Help me to be willing to reach out

to You, good day or bad. Keep me mindful

that my conscious contact with You makes

even the best day better, and the worst

day tolerable.