Recovery Meditations ~ Serenity ~ One Day at a Time ~ May 13, 2011


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"The final wisdom of life requires not

the annulment of incongruity but the

achievement of serenity with and above


Reinhold Niebuhr

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When I started coming to Recovery Group

meetings, I heard the word "serenity"

used frequently. I waited for someone to

turn the serenity light switch on for

me. I thought if I kept coming, the guy

in charge of lights would turn mine on,

and then I would possess and understand

serenity! But the people in the meetings

kept telling me, "You need to work the

steps." I began to work them with a

vengeance, the way a compulsive person

-- such as I am -- tends to function.

With each passing day I have begun to

feel more comfortable living in my own

skin. My fears, worries about the

future, and anxieties have all

decreased. I have made a more personal

connection with my Higher Power. I have

begun to develop friendships with other

people in Recovery Group. The loving

friendships here have had a huge impact

on how I feel about myself. They have

caused me to experience more self-love

and self-acceptance. I have come to the

point where I now know that no matter

what happens, things will eventually

work out for the best for me.


I will continue to attend meetings to

experience serenity.