Recovery Meditations ~ Serving Others ~ One Day at a Time ~ May 26, 2011


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"It is one of the most beautiful

compensations of life, that no man can

sincerely try to help another without

helping himself."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I'm not sure when I learned about giving

service to others ... it seems like a

long time ago. There's a feeling one

gets deep inside when we do something to

help others that makes us know we want

to keep that feeling coming forever.

I believe our Higher Powers give us

certain gifts. Maybe they're all put in

a large bag and when we're born, HP

distributes them ... sort of like one

reaches in a grab bag at parties. I do

know that everyone I have ever met has

some soft of gift ... something that

they do that comes easily and becomes

something they get very good at

doing. When they start giving others

this gift, they get even better at doing

what they do ... and that "feeling"

inside begins to grow.

I was given three gifts: music,

listening to others and writing. Music

was the first gift I was aware of and I

spent my life sharing it. In adulthood I

learned I had another gift ~ the gift of

being able to listen. I realized that a

lot of people don't feel "heard." When I

spent my time listening to others, I

realized I was giving them a gift. Now I

get that same special feeling I had when

I performed in front of many people as I

quietly sit and listen to someone pour

out their heart to me. Finally, there

came a time when I began to write... and

that same feeling emerged when someone

would tell me that what I wrote made a

difference to them.

I belong to an organization where

hundreds of people give their gifts to

others each day and I finally learned

that there were reasons why so many

people devote so much of their lives to

service. It doesn't take a rocket

scientist to figure that out ... we

serve because we experience that

feeling. We serve because it makes us

feel good. We serve others because in

doing so we serve ourselves.


Let me continue to serve.